Monday, 20 May 2013

The hit MBC weekend variety show Appa Eodiga won't miss for any article for every week. This time our lovely Yoon Hoo as the main of the news.

On May 19, Vibe‘s Yoon Min Soo revealed on MBC‘s “Section TV Celebrity Talk” that ”Yoon Hoo has recently been placed on a diet.”
He went on to say, “Even though he’s just a kid and he happens to have a big appetite, the hospital recently advised us to teach Yoon Hoo how to practice self-control. So for now, he is skipping his dinners. It really pains him.”

Yoon Min Soo added, “Actually, all of the kids on ‘Dad, Where Are You Going?’ have great appetites. I think Yoon Hoo just enjoys eating a little bit more.”
Yoon Hoo has garnered much adoration from the public for being an adorable, sweet and charismatic child on the show, “Dad, Where Are You Going?” Namely, his warmth toward other children like Jia and knack for finishing one more bowl than the rest of his peers has succeeded in charming many viewers.
credit: written by kimdebbie on soompi


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